Monday, October 8, 2012

The Greenhouse (beginning)

This is what the greenhouse looked like on Friday.  But the next few days turned very cold and rainy.  I worked through it a bit but didn't make much progress.  Then we had a freeze last night and another one expected tonight.  But thanks to my dad who helped with the cutting, I can now put up the sides and get the plastic ready to be put on tomorrow.  Thankfully the next few days are supposed to be pretty warm (if you call 50s warm, which I do for this time of year in Michigan) and I can get it done hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday.

But this pic is just the beginning and I'll post more asap.  Enjoy!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


As one of the last wild herbs of the season, I thought I show one of the most unappreciated herbs out there. Many confuse this plant with the bane of their autumn season: allergies. But what they don't realize is that it's the ragweed, not this pretty and useful plant. This is the autumn beauty, the Goldenrod.

Solidago canadensis (Canadian Goldenrod) is one of the most common plant that you'll find. It grows just about anywhere you can think of. From roadsides to swamps to fields.

Goldenrod is a strange mix. While the plant itself is haemostatic (causes blood to clot) the seeds are an anticoagulant (slows the clotting effects of blood). The root is used as a poultice for burns and the blossoms are used as a fever reducer, cure for sore throats, an astringent and also for diarrhea. It's also gentle enough for children to use. It also has compounds that help treat nephritis (inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys), urinary tract disorder, and cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). The saponins in the plant also target the Candida fungus (usually found in thrushes of the oral or vaginal cavities). As an added bonus, it can help treat skin diseases and also whooping cough and colds and flu. Not bad for a backwater weed, huh?

But how about some potpourri or decor? Once dried or even fresh, goldenrod is excellent for floral arrangements, garlands and even wreaths. Don't be afraid to invite it into your home.

Enjoy the fall but don't fall prey to it. Enjoy the color and the scent of goldenrod and all the other late bloomers. It's just wonderful seeing fields of these fall flowers with a back drop of colorful trees!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New Project!

Hey, guess what?  I'm building a greenhouse! 

I've always wanted one and, though I'm not a builder or anything, I think it'll turn out nicely! 

It's going to be out of scrap lumber that we have floating around and will be 7' square and 6' tall with a domed roof.  It'll be lined in 4 mm plastic and have several ventilation points, two at the bottom of each side and two at the top of the front and back walls.  At least that's the plan. 

Here's some sketches for an idea of what I hope will be a nice little overwinter home for my herbs.  (Don't laugh!  I'm not an artist.  lol)

Oh, and it'll be heated by compost (hopefully) and, if need be, an electric heater.  I'm just praying the compost is enough for such a small space.  Plus, I can really use it to amend my small garden's soil in the spring.  It's on a hill and is very sandy.

But I have to get the house up by the end of the week though because we're expecting frost and my plants don't tolerate them well.  I can stave damage off a little with blankets but it only lasts so long.  So here's hoping the plan works!

I'll start posting pics tomorrow.  It's too dark now and has been raining a bit all day.  Then you can see what a mess I've made so far.  lol

See ya then!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spotted Touch-me-not

Hey, guys, just thought you'd like to see why they call Jewelweed "Spotted Touch-me-not."

Let me know if you guys like it. If they're good enough I might make some more.


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